Monday, April 23, 2007

The Private Diner

Chloe went on a half day nursing strike yesterday. We knew she was fussy about where she nurses but not to this extend. She would rather go hungry then to ‘dine’ anyway else other than my room – my bedside, to be precise.

Between 0-1.5 months old, I can still nurse anywhere, restaurants, car and nursing room and she will still take the bottle. Around 2-3 months old, she refuses the bottle flat. No bargain! By the time she’s 4 months old, she will nurse in a restaurant while we are having dinner ONLY when she’s really hungry and if she does, it’s only for 5 mins. before she gets curious about her surroundings. Nursing rooms and the car are still acceptable then.

Now, she will check her environment the moment you want to nurse her. She will look around and start to kick her legs signaling the end of the session before it even begins. The nursing room and the car are out now. She only wants to nurse at her own cozy, private spot, my room and not other part of the house too. Sigh, I wonder where she inherited this streak of stubbornness. :)

So, yesterday, while we are out with friends, she chose to sleep off her hunger or suck her fingers. My many attempts to nurse her in the car, nursing room or the restaurant are counter attacked with back bends. Yes, she will arch her back and kick up a big fuss to stop me.

I guess the ambience, is important to her, dim lights, air-conditioned and quiet, just her and me.

Nestled in papa's arm, snoozing away.

1 comment:

j-dee said...

This is a sweet photo of Simon and Chloe, especially with her asleep in his arms. He must be such a proud pa pa!