Friday, March 6, 2009

After 3 months...

Chloe has been going to school for 3 months and I would say she is loving every moment of it now, though there was the 'delayed first day jitters' which sets in only in the second week of school. Tantrums, crying fits of 'I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!!' From waking her up, to changing her into her school uniform, getting her into the car and into the school... gosh an arduous uphill task.

Then suddenly, everything is back to the norm. She just looks forward to school, she comes home everyday belting out songs after songs, her non-stop chatting, dancing. There was a time when I worried about her speech development, when are you going to call me 'Mummy.'? I have 'Mummy!Look!' every 30 seconds now. Someone tell that girl to give me a break. :)

Simon was called aside by her teacher when he picked her up from school one afternoon, he was thrilled to bites, thinking his little girl must have done something exceptionally 'wow'. Well, just the opposite, she bit her classmate. Her friend held onto her hand refusing to let her out of the room and she bit him when she can't shake his hand off. Talk about self-defense.

On our first Parent Teacher Meeting, the biggest compliment was that she loves food, second and third helpings. Hmm... the teachers must be thinking we are starving her at home. Truth is she is a live to eat person, udon, rice and pasta and desserts tops her list.

And the downside of sending her to school, she brings home the cough and cold bugs, she's either coughing or with a drippy nose.

Her first time attending the school assembly, her class is due for a little performance and parents are invited. Her teacher clipped her hair and I'm surprised the clip survived and she allows her teacher to clip her hair.

Looking bored and feeling very bored already, feet in the air, fingers in her mouth feeling very at home.

Are we anywhere near starting?

Her classmates and the rest of the school

A peek into her classroom. Letter of the week 'R'.

Theme of the term is 'Me and my family'. Can you spot us?

1 comment:

j-dee said...

Oh Chloe looks sweet with that hair clip!