Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New school

Come 2009, Chloe will be attending Nursery school for 3.5 hours everyday. Going to school in uniform without either of us accompanying her, my little girl is growing up.

We went for a short interview for to find out more about the school and for the teachers to know more about Chloe, medical history, food allergies etc. While we are waiting for our turn, she was playing with the toys in the classroom with some other kids. That did not keep her occupied for very long, she was going around checking out the shelves for other more interesting things, chatting up other parents. In the end, we succumbed to her pleads to go out to the playground.

The school with the playground in front. This is what makes going to school more fun!

And Chloe joined the big kids for playtime. Going for the cars as usual.

'Hmm... twisty twirly slide. I like!'



j-dee said...

Chloe has such a cheeky smile! Yes, our girls are definitely growing, growing, growing. Sera is now taking a school bus to her school ... yikes!

sunny daze said...

Why?! I thought it is a good sign, she's so independent at her age. And saves you all the driving (can drive?)