Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Latest Food Craze

Seaweed! The 'in' thing with Chloe, she loves it. She saw me munching the dark green 'paper' and started staring, first the seaweed then me. Then she started bouncing on her feet, making very excited 'ah, ah' sound. So, I wiped the salt off a piece and gave it to her (It's the Korean type). Whee! She rip it off and chew it up in seconds. Second piece, third... burp. She had 3 big pieces of seaweed at one go. How I wish it was something more filling and nutritious.

Back to the seaweed, the Japanese seaweed sold in the Japanese food section in supermarkets are 'Product of China', funny right? I felt a little cheated paying for more something Japanese but produce in China. Eeeks! So, I normally buy the Korean brand, 'Produce in Korea'. :)

The food challenge is back again. Miss Chievous wants to feed herself, she has discovered the fun and enjoyment of eating her own food by herself, picking up bits and pieces of food with her fingers. Steamed broccoli (aka little trees), carrots, potatoes, fish, cheese, avocados, rice are some of her favorite food now. Rice is a little time consuming to eat cos she will press on each grain to make it stick on her finger then put it in her mouth. We will be trying baby sushi and macaroni tomorrow.

Totally unrelated to the food subject here but here's how Chloe spend a sunny afternoon. Crawling around the balcony, smacking ants, crushing dried leaves and getting her chubby knees black and dusty. Papa will be proud! Ha ha.

Eileen said that she looks like she just finished spinning in hip-hop dancing. Probably, except they don't stick out their tongue.

Very engrossed. Must never take your eyes off her, she has tried climbing up the bars.

The subject of attention. The workers are changing new bulbs for the lamp post and Chloe actually waved back when the worker waved at her.

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