Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chloe's Days

So what have we been up to lately? Hmm... Seriously, nothing much. Very mundane life, no food fights, no big scares, no surprises... argh! Basically, very boring. Yawn!

It's been raining almost every other day, so swimming is out. We spent most of our time indoors, playing, reading or visits to the playground, walks or hit the malls.

Just lazing around, watching Chloe growing up, not wanting to miss any moments of it. Enjoying her and her antics, her babbling, her everything. Zoosh! Do I sound like I'm obsess with my own daughter?

At Robertson Quay
The whole place have changed so much since the last time I was here. There were so many nice restaurants by the river.

Anyone realized that Simon has so many pictures with Chloe? Ya! I'm jealous. And the pictures he took of me with Chloe are not fabulous most of the time. I think that explains why I'm the 'officially' photographer.

Don't be taken in by her, she's not sitting in that high chair quietly without a protest. This is just a kodak moment. Smile baby! :)

Something I feel really happy about when I look at this picture today, she will sit in her stroller throughout the whole shopping trip now! It has to do with grandma and our last shopping trip together. Grandma so patient with her whenever she whines and wants to get out, distracting her with different toys and sweet talking her. Hmm... I did all that and why it didn't work? The magic touch!

Simon was really surprise and happy and almost couldn't believe it the other day when we were out. He made a bet that she will start whining in less than 5 minutes when I strapped her in. Ha! He lost the bet.

Taking the arm of the cozy armchair for a ride. Yes, she's actually rocking herself.

Wondering why Chloe looks a little uptight? Eileen squashed their faces together to keep her from fidgeting.

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