Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The one most happening and long awaited event I've been looking forward to for a whole year. Nay, it's not Zouk Out. It is the Singapore Marathon! Running the whole 42.195km excites me, it makes my heart beats faster just thinking about it.

Along the way, there were many supporters who cheered, waved and hi-fives the runners. There was a lady giving out chocolate, little kids holding out bananas and the school bands playing music for the runners.

The last 5 km was a killer. My legs are so numb; I thought they might just disintegrate. But the thought of my 2 darlings at the finishing line gave me the final burst of energy. The thought of seeing Chloe's smile when I wore the medal for her and the thought of her baking in the sun while waiting for me just make me run faster.

We have to escape from the blazing sun so no photos at the finishing line. The red umbrella? I put that in her baby bag, anticipating a very sunny day. Uh-hum, mummies thought of everything yah. :)

Chloe looking every bit the happy champion.

Carbo loading at Starbucks. Baby bites biscuits.

The no-sweat 10km runner, erm no, walker.

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