Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Step By Step

Chloe loves climbing the staircase, especially this flight. Her initial purpose of going up was to fiddle with the masking tape on the rolled-up carpet, tugging at it, hoping to yank off a piece.
Simon will always says she's going up Mount Everest when she's at it. Hmm... this is Chloe's mini one.

Then she found out, there's more interesting stuff at the top. What caught her attention? You will never guess. My in-immediate-need-of-attention, over-grown with weeds, jungle-like, unkempt roof garden!

Halfway up, taking a photo break. This is the third round up and she's still so excited.

Almost there, 3 more steps to go! It's always right here, she will turn over to bear hug me, sign that she wants to be carried up. Why? To peer over the high window for a view of the weed filled pots of plants.

Ah...! The door to the roof garden. Not now baby... when it is cooler in the evening

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