My little guy has been out of action for a week. From a mild cough it progressed to one with loads of phlegm and ended up with mycroplasma pneumonivae. We were hospitalised for 2 nights and poor guy was subjected to a series of tests, they drew blood, phlegm and mucus. The worst was the IV drip on his left hand. The nurses politely insisted that I go out of the room when they were drawing the samples and inserted the drip but how can I? He was so scared with all these strangers around him, pinning him down, how can I leave him alone to suffer? I was smiling and singing to him all the time but sobbing deep in my heart.
There was also the physiotheraphy session which the theraphist lay him over a pillow and smack his back to loosen the phelgm, another heartache session. All the time, there was only one line in my head 'It's for your own good, makes you better sooner.'
There was also the physiotheraphy session which the theraphist lay him over a pillow and smack his back to loosen the phelgm, another heartache session. All the time, there was only one line in my head 'It's for your own good, makes you better sooner.'
And the one line that makes me froze when we went back for review from the PD, 'Raphael got a very fierce bug. MRSA.' I was like 'What's the hell is that?!' PD played it down saying the antibotics he's on got it under control.