We are invited to King Neptune's Party! Yup, that's the theme for the class this term 'Under the Ocean'.
If there is a gadget for measuring excitement and pride, Simon would definitely tip the scale. A week before the party, he came out of class waving a piece of big blue invitation card and rattled on and on about the party. The food we are bring for the potluck party, what he is going to dress Chloe up as ... ... tah-lala, tra-lala. I think he's going to burst from the excitement, reliving his childhood through his daughter.
A few days before the party, he keeps reminding me to buy the shower cap which he needed for Chloe's dressed up party. And the night before, after completing all his drawings, he started on his most major project, transforming his little darling into 'Princess Jellyfish' and that is already almost 1 a.m..
'You must remember to buy the shower cap, buy those transparent or opaque kind, okay.'
'Okay.' (That's like the 101th time already and where to find opaque shower caps??)
'You have those transparent plastic that is for wrapping books?'
'Yeah. In the drawer.'
'Remember to order the muffins, okay.'
Presenting the super happy, excited and proud Dadad and his very cool and funky Princess Jellyfish....
Adjusting the jellyfish on Chloe. So proud that his daughter is wearing his creation. To be fair, the 'shower cap jellyfish' did received many nice comments the moment she enters school, which makes dadad's hair even more fluffed up.
And of course, Princess Jellyfish is also very happy to have something so BIG on her and almost as long as her.
Doing art work together. This is the usual stuff they do in school, art work, speech and drama, outdoor play etc.
The completed jellyfish by Chloe
Simon huffing and puffing, trying to blow up the balloon for Chloe's next art piece. He was going like
'I'm feeling breathless already, when was the last time I blow a balloon?' Sticking tentacles for 'Ollie Octopus'
And the party begins... food attack
After all the children have settled down with their food, the parents were mingling around and having a little bite too. My radar sensed something is amiss... I turned around and found that Chloe is not at her seat. That's where I found her, at the 'buffet table', scooping whatever is left of the tortilla chips right from the paper plate.
Her next target, the popcorn bowl. She was going for jelly cups, fishballs, mini sausages, all the food that she don't get to eat at home. She does get the popcorns though.
Receiving her certificate from her teacher, Zita.
Simon bursting with pride and happiness.
The Mafia doing her rounds after school at the toy section.